Wednesday, July 18, 2012

#59 Go to a Water Park.

Who doesn't love water parks? They're the best. And guess what!? I went to one!! Last weekend, my two sisters and I decided to go to "Roaring Springs" Water Park, near where we live. We had a blast! It was good to just hang out and have fun with my sisters, one of which will be leaving in August to go back to college in Wyoming, so it was nice to spend time with her. I love my sisters more than anything, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Sure, we have our moments, we disagree, we argue, but we love each other despite our differences, and that's all that matters. So, we had tons of fun being with each other and going on crazy rides, it was great.

I put up a picture of my sisters and I when we were gettin' ready to leave. :) We're so cute!

Monday, July 16, 2012

#17 Blow Bubbles

Well, here's a fun one; Blowing bubbles.. doesn't matter if your 4 years old, or 90.. it is always fun and exciting. Last weekend, a family in our church had a bunch of people over to hang out, swim, play volleyball, and eat pizza. It was a good time had by all. Myself and a friend of mine happened to walk by a little table, and just so happened that on that table, was a bottle of Super Miracle Bubbles. I just couldn't miss this wonderful opportunity! I grabbed my friend, and proceeded to excitedly tell her that there were bubbles on the table, and that I needed to blow these bubbles! So, I grabbed a bottle, and blew my bubbles. I managed only to blow a few small, flimsy bubbles here and there, but it was very memorable. AND, it put a check mark next to number 17 on my summer list!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

#12 Drink something I've never drunk. # 46 Go a whole week without technology. #58 Go on a hike.

Well, you might be wondering why I haven't posted any bucket list items recently..and that would be because I accomplished one that required me not having access to technology, that's right, I spent a whole week without my computer, or TV. believe it or not, I did survive. I did, however, have my phone, but I'm gonna let that one slide because my phone is kinda neccessary, for different reasons.

Well, maybe the reason I followed through with this bucket list item so nicely, is because I was up in the woods camping! I had the oppurtunity to go up to our church's camp, Camp Pinewood, to serve as a counselor. The camp is located in McCall, ID. about 3 or so hours from where I'm from. I really had a good time with the girls in my cabin, I got to do all the activities with them, and talk to them after chapel time.. I had really good conversations with them one on one. They were such goofy girls, but  they were really sweet as well. I enjoyed my time incredibly.

One of the many fun things we did up there was take a hike! When I found out that I was going up there, and I kinda hoped we would take a hike one of the days, because.. of course, taking a hike is one of my list items! So, when my girls suggested we go on a hike one day, I was all for it! So we took a hike, and it was really fun! We walked sort of alongside the river so it was really pretty

. On the right is a picture of three of my girls resting on a rock from our hike. They're so cute. :P

one of the things about being a counselor is you always have to do crazy stuff, like getting up in front of people and doing something funny or silly, or something of the sort. Well, we played this game where you had 3 options of drinks that were underneath a cup, and whatever one you picked you had to drink that certain beverage, whether good or bad. so they dragged me up there and I had to pick one, and the one I picked was Prune Juice. I've never had prune juice, neither do I eat prunes, so I didn't know what to expect. So, I drank it all up. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good either, so that was my experience with prune juice. But, it didn't occur to me until later that I had accomplished one of my bucket list items! which is, of course, drink someting I've never drunk.

So there ya go, 3 things can be checked off the list!
Until next time!