Wednesday, June 27, 2012

#10 Climb a Tree

This week we are doing a VBS for the hispanic kids in the Marsing Labor Camp, I'm helping out with all the crafts and occasionally the puppets. Its been fun, I think all the kids have really enjoyed it as well. Yesterday, we had just finished and we were getting ready to leave. My friend Stephanie and I happened to see a sturdy, old oak. I decided that I should attempt to climb it, since.. of course it was on my list.  So I went to it.. Long story short... I pretty much failed. For one, I couldn't even get up to the lowest limb (which really wasn't that high up..) I managed to get up and hang kind of hang awkwardly from the tree limb, which I'm gonna say is legitimately "climbing a tree." I did fall several times trying to get up on that tree, got scraped and bruised, oh.. and I might have kicked my friend in the mouth. *cough *cough.. sorry Stephanie. But it was worthwhile, we had a few laughs and had a good time with it.

Friday, June 22, 2012

#11 Eat Something I've Never Eaten

A couple days ago I went to a friends house, just to hang out. We decided to see what there was to snack on, she pulled out a bag of pita chips and a tub of humus. She proceeded to ask me if I had ever had Humus before, I replied that I hadn't. It then hit me, that here was something I've never tasted and that I needed to eat it because it was on my list. So, I grabbed a few chips and dipped my chip in this stuff.. I was kinda afraid I wouldn't like it, but it was actually really good! So, we sta for awhile munching on chips and humus, and it was a good time.

I failed to take a picture of myself tasting the humus, so I apologize for that, but I did manage to pull a photo off the internet. Don't ya just love the internet?

#30 Run Through a Sprinkler

Wednesday night our Softball team had practice. There weren't very many of us that showed up, so we all got a pretty good amount of practice in. I had worked previous to coming, so I was tired, but I had fun. I got incredibly dirty, our field  is nothing but dirt, the dusty, powdery kind. I felt like there was a million layers of dirt on my skin! And it felt like it was a hundred degrees outside. As we were getting ready to leave, I walked out into the parking lot, and noticed that the sprinklers in the front yard were on. I bet you can guess what happened next...

Yep, I ran my heart out into the yard. It truly felt amazing. It was only for a few minutes, and I probably looked like an idiot, but it was great. If you ever get the chance, run through a sprinkler, you'll be glad you did.

Monday, June 18, 2012

#27 Watch the Sunset

One of the things that really keep me in awe of God is His creation. It's literally everywhere you go, you can go outside and smell the flowers in the garden, the freshly cut grass, and the clean fresh air. You can see the beautiful mountains, the towering trees, fields of corn. All these brilliant creations are from God, and God alone. He made the entire universe in just a week! And he did it just by just speaking. Its a magnificent reminder of just how powerful and unfathomable He is. My human mind cannot even begin to understand God's all powerful nature. I took a walk last night, and I was reminded of God's Power by a sunset. I love sunsets, they're simply beautiful, and they take your breath away.  Even if they're not so colorful and bright, they never lose their beauty. So I stood in the middle of the road and slowly watched as the last bit of light fell behind the horizon. and I praised God for His creation, that He made everything so beautiful, so that we could enjoy it, while here in this sinful world.

Friday, June 15, 2012

#28 Swing on a swing

Some of you know, that I work at a daycare center. I love my job. I love playing with the kids, helping them do crafts, picking them up when they get hurt, reading them a book to help them feel better, I love it. Yesterday, was our first Feild Trip, and we went to the park. The kids had tons of fun, and it was just a good time.

Well, naturally.. there were swings at the park, and # 28 on my list came to mind. So, I swung my heart out! I swung with all the other kids, and just laughed with them, tried to go higher than all of them... ( in which I failed..) and it was so much fun.

I'm so incredibly thankful for this job, for the opportunity to work with these crazy kids. I'm thankful that I love my job, thankful that its not something I hate. God has been so good to me.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

#32 Go Stargazing.

And He brought him outside and said, "Look toward Heaven and number the stars, if you are able to number them."  Genesis 15:5a

It's so amazing to look at all the stars, it's a tremendous reminder of just a powerful and magnificent God is! Last night, my two sisters and I decided to lay out in the truck, grab a few soft blankets and startgaze. And it was amazing.

God is bigger than you and I can ever imagine, His power and glory never fail. It was good to just lay in awe of my amazing God, and look at all his handiwork in the heavens. I am thankful today for God's creation, that He made soo many beautiful things for us, here on earth, to enjoy. not only for the stars, but for everything else.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


It is a Saturday, and not much is goin' on. Therefore, I have been exploring Google for awhile, and the result is that I have found a few additions to put on my list! It is still growing! and maybe, just maybe we'll get to 100 before the season ends. So here they are;

Pull an all-nighter.
Go to a water park.
Go on a hike
Bury a time capsule
Go to a drive in movie.
Spend an entire day watching Disney movies.

So there it is, 6 new things to make my summer more fun and exciting. Hopefully, I'll brainstorm up more ideas, or find them on google ;) But for now, these things should keep me busy.

Friday, June 8, 2012

#22 Make a Summer Tote Bag out of a T- shirt.

Well folks! #22 can officially be checked off the list, that's right I made my very own recycled tote bag out of my old T-shirt. And believe it or not, it was actually really quick, easy.. and lots of fun. I am very proud my myself on this project, because it involved sewing, and its no secret that when it comes to sewing, I'm the worst! But hey! it actually went pretty smoothly. I got some help on how to do this at Its a great website where people share all their crafts and projects, and tell you how to do them, I had a good time looking through all the different projects on there.