Saturday, August 25, 2012

#52 Throw a Paper Airplane off a Bridge

One of my best friends in the whole wide world is leaving for college this week. Its been rough, I'm super excited for her and happy that she has this opportunity, but at the same time super sad that she'll be leaving and I won't see her for a very long time.

I told her promptly that she cannot leave until we had a date together! Thus, we went out. We went to this really cozy coffee shop downtown, then just walked around and chatted forever. it was great.. I'm so happy that we had this time to be together before she leaves.

Downtown there are these really pretty bridges, and walking across them triggered my memory about having to throw a paper airplane off of a bridge, so I immediately asked Sadie if she had a piece of paper, and would you know it, she did. So, I took the paper and, with some help by Sadie, I made a beautiful paper airplane. We then walked to the bridge, and I threw it off. It was great.

I will miss Sadie, she's been my friend since we were in diapers. But I am so happy for her. And I am so happy that we are friends. =]

#36 Carve Name into Tree

Well, it was just one of those days.

I was feeling especially giddy that day, and I was looking to do something exciting. Well.. I decided to look on my summer list and see if there was anything I could check off. My eyes happened to glance at the carve name into a tree on the list. I figured that wouldn't be too hard to do. so, I grabbed myself a sturdy knife, and walked out into my front yard where the tree-that-kinda-turned-into-a-bush was. Anyway..I went at it, I was originally gonna carve my name, but I decided I would just carve in my initials .. much easier.

So, that was that. It was easy and quick, and it got me a another check mark.

#60 Bury a Time Capsule.

Hello again, folks.

I'm writing today, to tell you of more things I have checked off my list! I have become a master procrastinator lately and my blog writing has become few. So, here I am!

Well, about a week ago, I decided to try and check off Burying a time capsule. So, I found myself a christmas popcorn tin, and put all my keepsakes inside. So.. I proceeded to go in the back yard, and dig myself a hole. I will admit, digging a hole isn't the easiest task. a while later.. I had my hole. I was mighty proud of it too. Anyway, I gently placed the tin in the hole.. and proceeded to bury it. And there it was, I had buried my time capsule. =]

I'm very happy I completed this task of mine.

So, ten years from now... I will see to digging up that tin!

Monday, August 20, 2012

#9 Fly a Kite

Last weekend, I went to a friends wedding. It was a lovely wedding! The bride was radiant and beautiful, the groom was handsome and dashing. the weather was perfect, the location was splendid. the colors were excellent and the guests were excited for the new couple. I had a great time celebrating with them.

 One of the activities they had a available was kite flying. they had a miriad of kites, and anybody could come and fly a kite and be happy. I couldn't pass up the opportunity, so I picked up my kite and attempted to toss it into the sky and catch the wind. I admit my kite didn't fly as high or well as I would hope, but it was fun, and it definitely brought happiness to my soul. Flying kites will do that for ya.

So, there ya go.. I have flown my kite for the summer. Check!

#24 Write a Poem

I have had this one done for awhile.. I just haven't had the time really to update my blog, my life has kind of been a whirlwind lately.. I've so busy and tired. But, alas..I have come to tell of my poem I have written. I'm not exactly what you would call a poet..but I've done my best.

My poem today has to do with my work. As some of you well know, I work at a daycare center. This summer has been crazy.. I've worked so much, thus why I am so busy and tired. But it has been good, and I have enjoyed it greatly.

I came home one day from work. I thought that now would be a good time to write a poem, so I did. And since I came from work, I had it in mind. Therefore, I have a written a poem about the children at my work. It goes like this.

"Oh, the children at my work.
they never fail to make me smirk.
when they go out and play
it is never a boring day.
when they are bad
I sometimes get mad.
but at the end of the day
everything is just okay."
                                         -Meghan J. Dickey

Well, there it is. its not amazing or great.. but it is what it is.. and I'm quite proud of it. :D

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

#39 Jump into a pool fully clothed.

Hello readers,

Yes, its been awhile.. I have kind of fallen into that time of summer where I feel completely lazy and unproductive.. but alas! I have a bucket list item to report! That's right, I have jumped into a body of water with my clothing on.

It was the week of Highschool camp, I had gone up to serve as a dishwasher, I worked hard. But, indeed.. I was not scrubbing gum off plates the whole time, I did have lots of time to enjoy myself.

during one of those times, I walked into town with my two lovely friends, and a few other girls from camp. My friends had already planned to jump off the docks, fully clothed. ... I know what you're thinking, you would think I was all for jumping off with them, considering this was exactly what I put on my summer bucket list. but indeed, I did not want to.. I was being a party pooper... I told my friends that I would jump off some other day.

But when it came down to actually doing the deed, my friends had convinced me that jumping off was worth it. so I did, I jumped off that dock... fully clothed.

I was so glad I did, it really was worth it.
So there ya go, # 39 down..

until next time, readers.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

#59 Go to a Water Park.

Who doesn't love water parks? They're the best. And guess what!? I went to one!! Last weekend, my two sisters and I decided to go to "Roaring Springs" Water Park, near where we live. We had a blast! It was good to just hang out and have fun with my sisters, one of which will be leaving in August to go back to college in Wyoming, so it was nice to spend time with her. I love my sisters more than anything, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Sure, we have our moments, we disagree, we argue, but we love each other despite our differences, and that's all that matters. So, we had tons of fun being with each other and going on crazy rides, it was great.

I put up a picture of my sisters and I when we were gettin' ready to leave. :) We're so cute!

Monday, July 16, 2012

#17 Blow Bubbles

Well, here's a fun one; Blowing bubbles.. doesn't matter if your 4 years old, or 90.. it is always fun and exciting. Last weekend, a family in our church had a bunch of people over to hang out, swim, play volleyball, and eat pizza. It was a good time had by all. Myself and a friend of mine happened to walk by a little table, and just so happened that on that table, was a bottle of Super Miracle Bubbles. I just couldn't miss this wonderful opportunity! I grabbed my friend, and proceeded to excitedly tell her that there were bubbles on the table, and that I needed to blow these bubbles! So, I grabbed a bottle, and blew my bubbles. I managed only to blow a few small, flimsy bubbles here and there, but it was very memorable. AND, it put a check mark next to number 17 on my summer list!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

#12 Drink something I've never drunk. # 46 Go a whole week without technology. #58 Go on a hike.

Well, you might be wondering why I haven't posted any bucket list items recently..and that would be because I accomplished one that required me not having access to technology, that's right, I spent a whole week without my computer, or TV. believe it or not, I did survive. I did, however, have my phone, but I'm gonna let that one slide because my phone is kinda neccessary, for different reasons.

Well, maybe the reason I followed through with this bucket list item so nicely, is because I was up in the woods camping! I had the oppurtunity to go up to our church's camp, Camp Pinewood, to serve as a counselor. The camp is located in McCall, ID. about 3 or so hours from where I'm from. I really had a good time with the girls in my cabin, I got to do all the activities with them, and talk to them after chapel time.. I had really good conversations with them one on one. They were such goofy girls, but  they were really sweet as well. I enjoyed my time incredibly.

One of the many fun things we did up there was take a hike! When I found out that I was going up there, and I kinda hoped we would take a hike one of the days, because.. of course, taking a hike is one of my list items! So, when my girls suggested we go on a hike one day, I was all for it! So we took a hike, and it was really fun! We walked sort of alongside the river so it was really pretty

. On the right is a picture of three of my girls resting on a rock from our hike. They're so cute. :P

one of the things about being a counselor is you always have to do crazy stuff, like getting up in front of people and doing something funny or silly, or something of the sort. Well, we played this game where you had 3 options of drinks that were underneath a cup, and whatever one you picked you had to drink that certain beverage, whether good or bad. so they dragged me up there and I had to pick one, and the one I picked was Prune Juice. I've never had prune juice, neither do I eat prunes, so I didn't know what to expect. So, I drank it all up. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good either, so that was my experience with prune juice. But, it didn't occur to me until later that I had accomplished one of my bucket list items! which is, of course, drink someting I've never drunk.

So there ya go, 3 things can be checked off the list!
Until next time!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

#10 Climb a Tree

This week we are doing a VBS for the hispanic kids in the Marsing Labor Camp, I'm helping out with all the crafts and occasionally the puppets. Its been fun, I think all the kids have really enjoyed it as well. Yesterday, we had just finished and we were getting ready to leave. My friend Stephanie and I happened to see a sturdy, old oak. I decided that I should attempt to climb it, since.. of course it was on my list.  So I went to it.. Long story short... I pretty much failed. For one, I couldn't even get up to the lowest limb (which really wasn't that high up..) I managed to get up and hang kind of hang awkwardly from the tree limb, which I'm gonna say is legitimately "climbing a tree." I did fall several times trying to get up on that tree, got scraped and bruised, oh.. and I might have kicked my friend in the mouth. *cough *cough.. sorry Stephanie. But it was worthwhile, we had a few laughs and had a good time with it.

Friday, June 22, 2012

#11 Eat Something I've Never Eaten

A couple days ago I went to a friends house, just to hang out. We decided to see what there was to snack on, she pulled out a bag of pita chips and a tub of humus. She proceeded to ask me if I had ever had Humus before, I replied that I hadn't. It then hit me, that here was something I've never tasted and that I needed to eat it because it was on my list. So, I grabbed a few chips and dipped my chip in this stuff.. I was kinda afraid I wouldn't like it, but it was actually really good! So, we sta for awhile munching on chips and humus, and it was a good time.

I failed to take a picture of myself tasting the humus, so I apologize for that, but I did manage to pull a photo off the internet. Don't ya just love the internet?

#30 Run Through a Sprinkler

Wednesday night our Softball team had practice. There weren't very many of us that showed up, so we all got a pretty good amount of practice in. I had worked previous to coming, so I was tired, but I had fun. I got incredibly dirty, our field  is nothing but dirt, the dusty, powdery kind. I felt like there was a million layers of dirt on my skin! And it felt like it was a hundred degrees outside. As we were getting ready to leave, I walked out into the parking lot, and noticed that the sprinklers in the front yard were on. I bet you can guess what happened next...

Yep, I ran my heart out into the yard. It truly felt amazing. It was only for a few minutes, and I probably looked like an idiot, but it was great. If you ever get the chance, run through a sprinkler, you'll be glad you did.

Monday, June 18, 2012

#27 Watch the Sunset

One of the things that really keep me in awe of God is His creation. It's literally everywhere you go, you can go outside and smell the flowers in the garden, the freshly cut grass, and the clean fresh air. You can see the beautiful mountains, the towering trees, fields of corn. All these brilliant creations are from God, and God alone. He made the entire universe in just a week! And he did it just by just speaking. Its a magnificent reminder of just how powerful and unfathomable He is. My human mind cannot even begin to understand God's all powerful nature. I took a walk last night, and I was reminded of God's Power by a sunset. I love sunsets, they're simply beautiful, and they take your breath away.  Even if they're not so colorful and bright, they never lose their beauty. So I stood in the middle of the road and slowly watched as the last bit of light fell behind the horizon. and I praised God for His creation, that He made everything so beautiful, so that we could enjoy it, while here in this sinful world.

Friday, June 15, 2012

#28 Swing on a swing

Some of you know, that I work at a daycare center. I love my job. I love playing with the kids, helping them do crafts, picking them up when they get hurt, reading them a book to help them feel better, I love it. Yesterday, was our first Feild Trip, and we went to the park. The kids had tons of fun, and it was just a good time.

Well, naturally.. there were swings at the park, and # 28 on my list came to mind. So, I swung my heart out! I swung with all the other kids, and just laughed with them, tried to go higher than all of them... ( in which I failed..) and it was so much fun.

I'm so incredibly thankful for this job, for the opportunity to work with these crazy kids. I'm thankful that I love my job, thankful that its not something I hate. God has been so good to me.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

#32 Go Stargazing.

And He brought him outside and said, "Look toward Heaven and number the stars, if you are able to number them."  Genesis 15:5a

It's so amazing to look at all the stars, it's a tremendous reminder of just a powerful and magnificent God is! Last night, my two sisters and I decided to lay out in the truck, grab a few soft blankets and startgaze. And it was amazing.

God is bigger than you and I can ever imagine, His power and glory never fail. It was good to just lay in awe of my amazing God, and look at all his handiwork in the heavens. I am thankful today for God's creation, that He made soo many beautiful things for us, here on earth, to enjoy. not only for the stars, but for everything else.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


It is a Saturday, and not much is goin' on. Therefore, I have been exploring Google for awhile, and the result is that I have found a few additions to put on my list! It is still growing! and maybe, just maybe we'll get to 100 before the season ends. So here they are;

Pull an all-nighter.
Go to a water park.
Go on a hike
Bury a time capsule
Go to a drive in movie.
Spend an entire day watching Disney movies.

So there it is, 6 new things to make my summer more fun and exciting. Hopefully, I'll brainstorm up more ideas, or find them on google ;) But for now, these things should keep me busy.

Friday, June 8, 2012

#22 Make a Summer Tote Bag out of a T- shirt.

Well folks! #22 can officially be checked off the list, that's right I made my very own recycled tote bag out of my old T-shirt. And believe it or not, it was actually really quick, easy.. and lots of fun. I am very proud my myself on this project, because it involved sewing, and its no secret that when it comes to sewing, I'm the worst! But hey! it actually went pretty smoothly. I got some help on how to do this at Its a great website where people share all their crafts and projects, and tell you how to do them, I had a good time looking through all the different projects on there.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Beginning

Summer is right around the corner folks.There seems to be something about the Summertime that makes people all excited and happy, myself included. This Summer I have set out to do all I can to make it an exceptional Summer. I have just entered my senior year of high school, so that might have had something to do with why I've decided to create a Summer bucket list. Thus, I have assembled some things I wish to accomplish throughout the course of the Summer season. I will write these things momentarily. I have originally thought I would have 100 things to put on my list, but as of yet, I only have around 50. We shall see if there will be any additions to the list, but for now I will put on all that I have. A lot of these ideas I got from the internet and whatnot, but there are a few I have thought of on my own.

#1  Read 10 books.                                                           #26 Watch the sunrise.
#2 Read the whole New Testament.                                   #27  Watch the sunset.
#3  Run at least once a week.                                            #28   Swing on a swing.
#4  Read the whole new Testament                                    #29  Make my own popsicles.
#5  Have a picnic.                                                             #30  Run through a sprinkler.
#6  Crochet a bikini                                                          #31  Turn up the music and dance.
#7  Have a date with mah Daddy.                                     #32  Go stargazing
#8  Make dinner for the fam at least 10 times.                   #33  Learn some words in another language.
#9  Fly a kite.                                                                   #34  Always have a water gun on me.
#10  Climb a tree.                                                            #35  Do 100 sit-ups every day.
#11  Eat something I've never eaten.                                 #36  Carve name into a tree
#12 Drink something I've never drank                              #37  Make summer blog (check? lol)
#13 Play tennis                                                                #38  Fill up an entire coloring book.
#14 Make breakfast for family.                                        #39  Jump into a pool fully clothed.
#15 Make a summer scrapbook.                                     #40  Buy a pet goldfish.
#16 Buy some flower seeds and plant them.                     #41  Say "Yes" to everything for a day.
#17 Blow bubbles                                                           #42  Finger paint a picture, then frame it.
#18 Research a topic of interest.                                      #43  Participate in a run/walk event for charity
#19 Become a volunteer at local nursing home/hospital.    #44  Do an entire afternoon of yoga
#20 Lay out on the grass and watch the clouds.                #45  Go a whole week without technology.
#21 Make a card for a friend.                                          #46  Plant something edible.
#22 Make a summer tote bag out of recycled tank top.    # 47 Go a whole day barefoot.
#23 Write a song.                                                            #48  Leave initials in wet concrete.
#24 Write a poem.                                                          #49  Sleep in a car for a night.
#25 Make smoothies.                                                     #50  Have everyone you meet sign my shirt.

                                          #51 Watch a meteor Shower
                                         # 52 Throw a paper airplane off a bridge
                                         #53  Stay outside for 12 hours straight
                                         #54  Tie dye a shirt.
                                         #55  Complete a 1000 piece puzzle, by myself.
                                         #56  Get a mani/pedi :)
                                         #57 Pull an all-nighter
                                         #58 Go on a hike
                                         #59 Go to a water park.
                                         #60 Bury a time capsule
                                         #61 go to a drive-in movie
                                         #62 Spend an entire day watching Disney movies.

(# 35 and #3 will start on June 22nd)
I will officially start my bucket list on June 5th.
Thanks all, and happy summertime!